Thursday, March 09, 2006

PCA Papers No.1

We promised to start posting up PCA papers and here's the first of what promises to be a highly irregular series. Keep checking the blog for new additions. If you have anything in digital format, or links to ones you think are worth letting others know about, don't be shy. Why not publish your own work too - not just stuff by the 'big guns' (how'd you think they started!?).

Anyhow, here is one of my personal favourites:

Happy reading. Comments on the paper are welcome too, if you feel suitably inspired.

To download: click on the link above - this should take you to the Rapidshare download page. Scroll down and select the 'Free' download option and then a page will open with the link to actual document. Clicking on this will give you the option of either opening the document or saving it to a location of your choosing.
Any problems email


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